Where Kids & Families Belong
Joy Through Connections
Our Mission:
For families affected by trauma, disability, or school challenges, JOYweavers offers accessible programming for children, work experiences for teens, advocacy and resources for caregivers, and most importantly, community for all to feel welcomed, known and valued.
JOYweavers Day Camp
JOYweavers’ five-week summer camp provides community, mentoring relationships, and programming that promotes social-emotional development, learning and JOY.
Our Name
The gift of a precious, handwoven basket gave rise to the name “JOYweavers”. In a community of weavers each individual brings a unique thread that gets integrated into the whole: making what we create together bigger, stronger, more interesting, and more beautiful. Every child and adult who connects with JOYweavers can contribute to and benefit from the community that we build- one that is invested in finding joy and supporting the success of children and the people who love them.